Friday, March 28, 2008


John C. Reilley. A friend and i had dreams of producing a Bio pic about Blind Doc Watson. We thought John C. Reilley was the spitting image of him, plus we knew he played the guitar and was a good singer. He can also has a southern draw to him. It was going to be perfect. Those dreams have just been shattered forever.

Walk Hard is a bio pic parody. It mostly follows Walk The Line and Ray, but it takes a lot of ideas from documentaries like Wings for Wheels (about Springsteen recording Born to Run) and the Smile documentary about Brian Wilson. They also slightly wink at Elvis, Loretta Lynn, and the Beatles.

The gags in this film come slow and obnoxiously. They make the gag and then they'll hold on the gag or repeat it over and over until the humor of it goes away and you're left just smiling. The only true enjoyment of the gags is when you can see them coming a mile away. But what i really like about this movie is when they take ideas or events from other peoples life and creatively have fun with the idea. Not just spoofing scene from a movie but spoofing an entire cultural period. My favorite part in the movie is the Brian Wilson acid period. It's not from any movie... just talked about in a few documentaries. It's especially good in the longer cut of the movie. He's running around screaming about emotion and didgeridoos and he's giving goats pointers on how to baah. Recording boobs' vibration. The trampoline.

I actually really like it all. I see myself watching it over and over. And i also look forward to Step-Brothers with John C. Reilley and Will Farrel coming soon.

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