Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I have to admit, I really liked this film. For as much CGI in it as there was, I'm really surprised it could tolerate it as much as i did. I usually cancel these types of movies right out. But I had heard good things about it, from critics and Philistines alike.

It was really scary. It went zooming by at an amazing pace. It was well acted (though the acting at times didn't make much sense to me).

The ending seemed rushed and out of nowhere. I agree with how it ended, I just thought it seemed a little lopsided. But maybe that's the point. 3 years of work then BAM, it's over.

You probably know the plot, you've probably actually seen it already. Blockbuster is getting 1098 copies. Which is 10 times the average amount. They got 100 No Country for old men and they barely left the shelf.

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