Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I want to give it 4 stars but it doesn't seem be holding up in my mind as a 4 star movie. It is good though. And it's a really important film.

The story is hard to explain without giving anything away. Here's an attempt.

Through unreturned friendship, turned guilt, turned hate, 2 boys are separated. Through unfortunate annihilation of war torn Afghanistan, the now American raised Afghani man is given a chance for redemption.

One critique is that every flying kite you see in the film is CGI. It's obvious from the first frame of the opening credits. It instantly disappointed me. If someone cares enough about a film, he's going to do what it takes to make it perfect and make it so that it stands the test of time. CGI never stands the test of time. It looks terrible and it says a lot about his directing choices. I'm a huge fan of Finding Neverland and Monster's Ball. I thought they were pretty flawless. But this definitely has that flaw.

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