Friday, September 18, 2009


Nights and Weekends (2008) was directed by Joe Swamberg and Greta Gerwig, both also starring in the film. Greta Gerwig played Hannah in Hannah Takes The Stair which was also directed by Joe Swamberg, Nights and Weekends seems then is the follow up.
It deals with a long-distance relationship and a reuniting after a break up. It deals with a few good times and a lot of hard times. As seemingly all "mumble-core" film do, this film plays the awkward card. Hannah Takes the Stairs contains awkward characters, Nights and Weekends contains awkward situations. The awkward character card is played in a few occasions but I felt it was forced. These characters should be capable of dealing with the situations they're in, but they baby out.
Ultimately, I was on of the best "mumble-core" films out there. The story was well thought out and very interesting. It touched on detailed issues that I appreciated. The characters could use some work. But the acting was good and the dialog was much more interesting then the fartin' around kind of business the other films of this nature have.

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