Monday, July 21, 2008


I got a lot of laughs out of this movie. I say the Harold and Kumar movies deserve the respect they deserve. This one is far better than the last for many reasons.

I'm gonna say it has far too much pot smoking and pointless was a little distracting if you're not into that sort of thing. I like language for humor sake, but not language for cool pot smoker sake...ya know?

The political aspect of the whole thing is halarious. I loved every bit of it. It was just one scene after another. Every situation they end up in turns into a political point and i'm in agreement with, at least, the point to bring up it's obserdity, if not to just point a finger, or poke fun.

So many great scenes, most work. The ones that don't are like, refrences to an unknown joke, which is usually thrown into comedies like these to create a cult following.

The best comedy in the last month.

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