Friday, July 18, 2008


"Why don't they make movies like this anymore"? Is what i kept repeating to myself while watching a masterpiece. It's unapalogetic, and uncompromising. It's the real deal even though it's not. The language is rough, and the manor is rough. People are acting up a storm, and screaming. It's such a bold movie, and at the same time it's a heartfelt, and a heart breaker, and a nice little movie.

I must have seen a lot of this as a kid on TV because i recognized most of everything that happened but i can't ever remember seeing it. I can't believe i'd waited this long. Every small to large role in the movie are great.

This film may fall in line with the style of film i'm trying to classify. Gritty and real, hard edge nature. And of coarse, Jack Nicholson.

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