Friday, May 2, 2008


What a gem!

I laughed a bunch of times. Every time that one guy takes his shirt off and that other guy tackles him... it's funny. And then that guy tackled the hottie... it was funny. Then that one guy's friend knows all the mythology of hotties and notties... that's funny. ha ha ha.

Paris is really funny awkward throughout the movie, trying to stay continuously sexy... then theres this one scene where see really shines.. the true Paris comes out. This guy is hitting on her. Her and the Nottie put him in his place... then as if she didn't know the camera was rolling.. she yells, "PAY OUR TAB BITCH"

I got a really good idea for a remake. The Hilton sisters and the Simpson sisters starring in Big Business! The movie from 1988 where two sets of twins are separated at birth.

Oh, wait... they need to be identical.

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